Essay, Research Paper: To Kill A Mockingbird

Book Reports

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To Kill A Mockingbird is a perfect example of an unsubstantiated judgment or an
opinion about an individual. The prime message in the novel is that of racism,
how the actions of a community, not just a parent, can affect a child. Born,
Nelle Harper Lee in 1926, Monroeville, Alabama. She attended school at three
different colleges where she studied law, Huntington College from 1944-1945,
University of Alabama from 1945- 1949, and studied one year at Oxford
University. The study of law and its principles helped her develop the way she
was brought up. Her upbringing gave her raw material to write her only book. She
was the youngest of four kids. When she started off in the real world she worked
as a reservation clerk with Eastern Airlines and BOAC in New York City. To
concentrate on her writing she quit working as an airline clerk. In 1957 she
submitted the manuscript of her book to the J. B. Lippincott Company. She was
told that her novel consisted of a series of short stories strung together. She
was urged to rewrite it. For the next two and a half-year she reworked the
manuscript with the help of her editor, Tay Hohoff, and in 1960 To Kill A
Mockingbird was published. Harper Lee only wrote one book so far, and critics
are waiting for her next book. There have not been as much published on the
doings of Lee since 1966. Prejudice, strictly defined, a preformed and
unsubstantiated judgment or opinion about an individual or a group, either
favorable or unfavorable in nature. In modern usage, however, the term most
often denotes an unfavorable or hostile attitude toward other people based on
their membership in another social or ethnic group. The distinguishing
characteristic of a prejudice is that it relies on stereotypes (oversimplified
generalizations) about the group against which the prejudice is directed.
Examples of prejudice abound in history. In most cases, a prejudiced attitude
held by a dominant ethnic group against a minority or disadvantaged group within
the same society. The most elaborate kind of discrimination is segregation—the
isolation of ethnic groups enforced by law or custom or both. Examples of
segregation include the strict confinement of Jews to the ghettos of medieval
European cities and the rigid race-separation laws of modern-day South Africa,
but segregation can also apply to the exclusion of a member of a minority group
from social clubs or from access to particular jobs or educational
opportunities. The mixing of ethnic groups might be expected to lead to the
rapid disappearance of prejudice, on the theory that prolonged contact between
people should destroy stereotypes. In practice, however, prejudiced attitudes
often have proved extremely difficult to eradicate, even when law enforces
integration. Racism today is not as strong as it was 20 years ago. There was a
time where African Americans could not even drink out of the same drinking
fountain as the “white” people. It is true the today racism is not as bad of
an issue, but no matter who denies racism, it is still a major part of the
society. Not long ago in Daytona Beach Florida, there was a trial of prejudice.
The major hotel chain, The Adam’s Mark was charged with prejudice towards
African Americans. The Adam’s Mark charged double for room service, made the
black guests of the hotel where wrist bands, would not allow their cars in
parking garages, and most important treated them as animals. This is only one
situation of prejudice that goes on this day is age, everyday someone or
something is hurt with prejudice. Not only is prejudice in hotels, but it is on
the street, in the schools, and in the homes of many people today. Still today
there are racial fights that break out. In the schools, there are very few black
children that attend public schools. In the homes of many Americans, the issue
of African Americans is a daily situation. In the book “To Kill A
Mockingbird”, prejudice is an overall issue. Prejudice runs wild in Maycomb
County. The town has prejudice against blacks. This is seen in the case against
Tom Robinson. Robinson is wrongly accused, and loses his life due to racism in
the community. Even though it is obvious, to every person in the jury, that
Robinson could not have committed the crime, and that he is an upright and
religious churchgoing man, he is still accused of rape and jailed. It is obvious
that he is innocent through evidence presented by Atticus, Bob Ewell is
left-handed, Tom’s left hand is useless, etc. But since the jury “cannot”
find a black man innocent over a white family they find him guilty. Prejudice
against Boo Radley. No one bothers to find out about the Arthur “boo” Radley.
He may seem a little scary but the town ridicules him and shuns him from
society. All the children have been raised to dear him as the town freak. If
they took the time to see the world from his eyes they might not be so
prejudiced to his situation. Jem and Scout’s experiences with Boo Radley
allowed them to learn and accept those who are different from them. As a result
of being called the town freak, the children are serious to learn more about
him. Boo Radley came to their aid when Scout and Jem are attacked by Bob Ewell,
showing that the rumors about Boo Radley were untrue. They gain a new respect
for him, and learn to accept him though he may be a little different from them.
Prejudice is every where. From hotels across the world, to little houses in
Maycomb, Alabama, it is there. Wherever you turn, you better watch your back
because it is going to be standing right there, and you just have to fight it
off. While many people raved about this book there were still many different
views. Granville Hicks, “ To Kill a Mockingbird gives a friendly but for the
most part unsentimental account of life in Alabama, Lee is not concerned about
writing a childhood experience she is more concerned about the perennial
Southern problem. Lee’s problem is to tell a story how she wants to, but has
to remember she is writing a childhood experience.” Meanwhile the book was
raved apone by many other people. New York Times, “ Marvelous... Miss Lee’s
original characters are people to cherish in this winning first novel.” The
New Yorker, “ Skilled, unpretentious and totally ingenuous...though,
melodramatic, acute, funny.” Boston Herald, “ Has pace and
power...overflowing with life.” To Kill A Mockingbird was a very sophisticated
book, and had many themes in it which some kids might not understand, yet at the
same time this was not a children's book, it is a novel for young adults to
read. While you can understand that some people might not like this book,
personally, I liked it. It was an unforgettable novel. In conclusion, Harper Lee
did a wonderful job writing her book. It is filled with useful information, and
many themes. Prejudice is a very serious issue that needs to be stopped, or it
will just keep growing and never get better.

Contemporary Literary Criticism. To Kill A Mockingbird. Vol. 12. Detroit,
Michigan,1980. Contemporary Literary Criticism. To Kill A Mockingbird. Vol. 60.
Detroit, Michigan,1980. “ To Kill A Mockingbird” 4- 21 2000. “ To Kill A Mockingbird” 4-23

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